We can define exercise as the physical stress which is inflicted upon the body; however, our bodies actually change because of the exercise stimulus at the time of the post-exercise recovery stage between workouts. One effective method of recovering from a strenuous workout session will be something that is already done by you, but you might not be doing enough of it, or maybe you are not using it to the fullest extent. Getting optimal sleep will be an effective process of promoting recovery such that your workout program produces the desired results within a short span of time.
It is imperative to have a post-workout recovery strategy for achieving results from any workout program and one of the most effective ways of enabling your system to recover properly from the day’s exercise and also prepare for the subsequent exercise session will be to get an optimal quality as well as quantity of slumber. Here, we have mentioned some essential benefits of sleep for workout recovery which will help to make sure that you are able to take full advantage of your exercise program:
It has been suggested by the National Sleep Foundation that adults must sleep for at least 7 to 9 hours every night. In case you are able to increase your sleep time by 1 hour every night, it will be like getting an additional night’s worth of slumber during the course of the week. While planning your workouts, do not forget that the conclusion of one exercise session happens to be the commencement of the next, and you will be able to become fully prepared depending on how you actually recover (rehydrate, refuel, and sleep) so as to achieve the best possible outcomes in no time whatsoever.
1. Provides time for repairing the muscles
It is a fact that adequate slumber will allow time for the muscles to repair on their own. We produce growth hormone (an anabolic hormone) during the 3rd stage of NREM (non-rapid eye movement) and it aids in repairing tissues which had been damaged while working out; in case you sleep longer, your muscle tissues will get more time for regenerating and growing.
2. Allows the anabolic hormones to repair tissues
In case you sleep for the entire night, it will provide adequate time for the anabolic hormones to repair the tissues; on the other hand, if you do not sleep adequately, it might lead to increased levels of catabolic hormones which are accountable for the production of energy. In case you were not able to fall asleep in spite of being completely exhausted, or if you woke up from your slumber not feeling adequately rested, it might be the outcome of elevated SNS (sympathetic nervous system) activity as well as enhanced levels of cortisol (a hormone). The SNS is accountable for generating cortisol, which aids in converting fatty acids into energy which is required for working out. Nevertheless, once there is a low supply of glycogen, cortisol might likewise convert amino acids into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that will be preventing the growth of muscles.
3. Helps to remove metabolic waste from the brain
While working out, in case you become quite exhausted, it might lead to poor judgment or reduced reflex times, and each of these might result in a training injury. One notable advantage provided by napping adequately is the fact that it aids in removing unwanted metabolic waste from the brain cells. Try to visualize slumber as the time when your brain is getting rid of unwanted waste plus improving the circulation of blood to cells and providing glycogen and oxygen required for optimal cognitive performance.
4. Aids in developing muscles
Metabolic overload is going to take place when your muscles are working out to the point of exhaustion, thus draining out the amount of glycogen obtainable for the production of energy. While napping, your system will go on digesting carbs from your diet and also metabolizing them into glycogen; this is going to be stored in the muscle cells for performing muscular contractions. It is possible for 1 gram of glycogen present in the muscle cells to hold approximately 3 grams of water. Glycogen helps in increasing muscle size once it is replaced and this is one more example of how your muscles will be developing while you happen to be slumbering.
5. Helps our immune system to function properly
Optimal functioning of the immune system is encouraged by adequate slumber. Besides painful injury, illness is considered to be the second foremost cause of missed playing time for sportsmen, and there is no need to play sports for receiving this benefit. A strong immune system is supported by getting adequate slumber irrespective of what your job might be, and this will help to minimize the risk of getting sick. It will allow you to become more productive in the long run.
It will be a sensible idea to plan your workouts for ensuring optimal performance depending on the sleep that you’ll be capable of getting each night. For instance, if you are required to attend a late-night party with your buddies, it will not be possible to get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night. This does not imply that you should be skipping your workouts; instead, you should schedule the high-intensity exercises on days when you will be having proper sleep at night and lower-intensity exercises on days when you might be going out at night. Considering your evening plans while planning your workouts will help to make sure that you are prepared adequately for the more strenuous exercise sessions out there.
We like to conclude this article by asserting that too much working out and too little slumber could lead to overtraining, and this might prevent you from reaching your targets. Moreover, you might likewise suffer from an injury in the long run. Try to be consistent and remain motivated while working out on a regular basis. Make it a point to exercise for at least 150 minutes every week. Consistent workouts plus adequate slumber will provide you with results in no time at all.